Thursday, August 16, 2012


Backdated: YC114.08.10

All right.

Haven't been an egger for that long. That's fine, whatever: everyone needs to start somewhere, and I'm happy to be here.

Something I noticed immediately when visiting the Summit, however: anyone who's Amarrian gets a ton of shit from most other folks. Not sure if it's just the environment the Summit provides -- that sort of stream-of-consciousness that encourages people to pop off at the mouth whenever they feel like it -- or if it's a common feeling. Any kind of Gallentean literature I find on the subject of the Amarr people covers slavery mostly, but hardly anything else.

I mean, come on. Every culture has beer. What kind of beer do they have? What kind of food? What are their textiles made of? What's their architecture like?

For fuck's sake. I'm just gonna need to head there on my own to find out, I guess.

Log end.

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