Thursday, August 16, 2012

Amarr Space Travel Log #1 - Tash-Murkon

Backdated: YC114.08.12

Location: Tash-Murkon/Task-Murkon Prime/Red Lions Inn
Host: Darius Mithra

First time planet-side in Amarr space. I was invited to dine at one of Darius Mithra's family businesses, which happens to be a cute little inn in a hot and dusty city on Tash-Murkon Prime. The Red Lion's Inn, according to my generous host, is typically used to accommodate his Caldari clientele. That said, this place was fancy as all get-out; very plush and comfortable. And it smells wonderful in there.

First thing I noticed: shoes off. Cushions instead of chairs at low tables. Captain Mithra evidently was obligated as my host to wash my feet before I entered the establishment fully (personal note: awkward custom is awkward). I asked if the establishment's employees typically took up the responsibility of washing the customer's feet: turns out it's typically considered rude if you get the people on the lower rungs to do that sort of thing. Fascinating, considering they utilize slave labor so efficiently in other ways... but I'm not here to talk about that.

Let's talk about the food. Holy shit the food.

Warm, subtle, and generous. My glass was never empty. I got looks whenever I laughed particularly boisterously, but I wasn't treated poorly. Darius even let me hang my hat for the night in one of the Inn's rooms -- beats the hell out of a station bed any day.

Not a bad start to the trip, all in all.

Log end.

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