Thursday, August 16, 2012

Gettin' Ready

Backdated: YC114.08.11

Funny thing: all of the Amarr I'm tellin' about visiting the Empire are thrilled that I'm coming. Well, maybe not thrilled, but I haven't been told outright to stay in my space, so far. That's as good as an invitation in my book.

Most Gallente and Minmatar I chat to about this trip tell me I won't find much, though some are intrigued by the idea. Not intrigued enough to go there on their own, though, I guess. Can't blame 'em: I have to admit, rumors have me a bit nervous.

In any case, I've got a list of people and places. Just a few more deliveries to make 'round here and I should be good to jump to the border sometime tomorrow or the next day.

Log end.

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