Thursday, August 16, 2012

PRIVATE LOG : Notes on Azdan Amith

Backdated: YC114.08.14

Such a fine-lookin' man. Something about the shape of Amarrian men's noses drive me wild.

Anywho, I was going over our conversation from earlier, and I found a little snippet to be very interesting. Let me see...

Red types something quickly and calls up an inset screen with an audio recording playing from it:

Red Miromme > (...) What about your culture makes you most proud, Captain Amith?
Azdan Amith > Most proud? Hm.
Azdan Amith > The Empire has the largest number of humanitarian and outreach programs and organizations of any of the major nations in the cluster, that is something I find myself proud of.
Azdan Amith > I believe I am most proud of our staunch dedication toward righteousness before God and our willingness to try and show it to others so that they too may find salvation and peace.

The recording concludes, and the inset screen disappears.

Heh. Interesting how he picked the humanitarian aspect of his people as the trait he's most proud of. The "staunch dedication" thing seemed almost to be an after thought.

I dunno. I asked him about his family, and he seemed particularly bitter about his father, as well. Sounds like the guy was rarely around, and when he was, it sounds like he and Captain Amith didn't get along. He also mentioned having a sister, but he made it clear that he didn't want to speak about her.

Red falls silent, then, apparently recalling something else, and she summons the in-set audio window once again:

Azdan Amith > -sighs heavily- I am an idealist, I'm told. Perhaps a zealot.
Azdan Amith > I simply wish to do something positive with the life and resources I have, is that something to be ridiculed?
Red Miromme > Why does it matter if you're ridiculed? If you do good works, isn't that all that matters?
Azdan Amith > It will not deter my course. My only desire is that a select few understand my intention and desire so that I am not misunderstood.

... heh. I wonder who that "select few" might be...?

Log end.

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