Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Amarr Space Travel Log #5 - Sarum Prime VI

Lantalia > "Da wine on Sarum Prime is first rate, but be sure ta take yer localization caplets b'fore ya try it, or it'll have ya worshipping at the bathroom shrine 'til sun-up."

Why... the fuck... didn't I listen... urp...

Log end.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Amarr Space Travel Log #4 - Jesoyeh, HZO Refinery Station

Backdated: YC114.08.16

Met with Captain Masiff Orcal today; 'nother faithful guy in the "commoner" caste. Not quite as high up as, say, Captain Mithra's family, but still pretty well-off it seems. I dunno, I'm still trying to get the hang of that whole system, so I could very well be way off. Still doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me, but I try not to dwell on that too much.

 We sat and chatted at a little cafe-slash-diner-thing on the station. Drank a local brew, nice and dark and hoppy. Goddammit, why can I not remember the name of that beer?! I'll need to ask Captain Orcal about it again -- definitely need to have a case of that stuff delivered.

Massif Orcal is a loving, devoted father, which is... rather amazing to see. He's only spoken briefly about his daughter, but when he does, he's get this look on his face -- it's very endearing. He's a devoted fella, but his daughter's heritage seems to give him a remarkable tolerance toward people of other cultures that I haven't quite seen anywhere else. Anywhere.

Shit: somebody's who's firm in their beliefs and tolerant of others? Get the fuck outta here. I'll need to meet with this guy again, for sure!

Log end.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

PRIVATE LOG : Notes on Aldrith Shutaq

Backdated: YC114.08.15

Aldrith Shutaq: Hypocrite of the highest order, s'what he is.

Dude had the nerve to threaten me for killing and stealing shit in the past, and then he goes on about the severed head of the woman he had some sort of rivalry with that adorns the outside of the Keep.

He tells me that the knighthood leads by example, yet he seems to violate his order's code of behavior fairly regularly.

He makes no secret of his dislike for Capsuleers, either. "They unfeelingly step upon any life that stands in their way, innocent or otherwise," he says.

Her gaze lowers in thought, chewing on her lower lip as she seems to realize something.

Dude's got quite a story to tell, I'm sure of it. I'll have to see if he wants to meet up again... maybe on neutral ground this time.

Log end.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Amarr Space Travel Log #3 - Mercy's Keep

Backdated: YC114.08.15

The place is cut out of a goddamn mountain. As such, it is cold as a witch's tit out there, lemme tell ya.

I was invited to Mercy's Keep to have a word with Captain Aldrith Shutaq regarding aspects of the Amarr military. Fella's a "Seneschal", which evidently makes him second-in-command of the Athra knighthood, a fairly strict bunch. They have a code of conduct that they need to follow, and a modus operandi that doesn't sit quite right with me. I asked him what the knighthood's goals were: long story short, their goal is to fight "anyone who threatens the innocent."

I asked him who, exactly, the "innocent" were. In turn, he asked me if I had ever killed anyone or stolen anything -- yes and yes. Then he slid some thinly-veiled threats my way. Context be damned, I guess, eh? Killin' is killin' and stealin' is stealin' to that guy, looks like, no two ways about it. Fuck that self-preservation nonsense.

She draws a slow, deep breath through her nose, taking a moment to settle down before continuing.


The tea I was served was hot and earthy; it tasted the same way the trees outside of the Keep smelled, which was pleasant.

I don't know if I'll try visiting Mercy's Keep again. The prospect doesn't excite me, certainly, so... probably not.

Log end.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

PRIVATE LOG : Notes on Azdan Amith

Backdated: YC114.08.14

Such a fine-lookin' man. Something about the shape of Amarrian men's noses drive me wild.

Anywho, I was going over our conversation from earlier, and I found a little snippet to be very interesting. Let me see...

Red types something quickly and calls up an inset screen with an audio recording playing from it:

Red Miromme > (...) What about your culture makes you most proud, Captain Amith?
Azdan Amith > Most proud? Hm.
Azdan Amith > The Empire has the largest number of humanitarian and outreach programs and organizations of any of the major nations in the cluster, that is something I find myself proud of.
Azdan Amith > I believe I am most proud of our staunch dedication toward righteousness before God and our willingness to try and show it to others so that they too may find salvation and peace.

The recording concludes, and the inset screen disappears.

Heh. Interesting how he picked the humanitarian aspect of his people as the trait he's most proud of. The "staunch dedication" thing seemed almost to be an after thought.

I dunno. I asked him about his family, and he seemed particularly bitter about his father, as well. Sounds like the guy was rarely around, and when he was, it sounds like he and Captain Amith didn't get along. He also mentioned having a sister, but he made it clear that he didn't want to speak about her.

Red falls silent, then, apparently recalling something else, and she summons the in-set audio window once again:

Azdan Amith > -sighs heavily- I am an idealist, I'm told. Perhaps a zealot.
Azdan Amith > I simply wish to do something positive with the life and resources I have, is that something to be ridiculed?
Red Miromme > Why does it matter if you're ridiculed? If you do good works, isn't that all that matters?
Azdan Amith > It will not deter my course. My only desire is that a select few understand my intention and desire so that I am not misunderstood.

... heh. I wonder who that "select few" might be...?

Log end.

Amarr Space Travel Log #2 - The Chaplet of Joshua

Backdated: YC114.08.14

The entry opens with a sweeping pan of a small chaplet: ((Description courtesy Azdan Amith))

The meeting place is a small chaplet in the Emrayur system, it's based on a privately owned station in the system. The chaplet is small, barely large enough to seat one hundred persons and is built in ancient Athran style, with large colums holding up overheach archways on which the "roof" seemingly rests. There are small windows around the side walls though they are stained glass and have illumination behind them to give the appearance of light shining in, each one painting various images on the floor beneath them from the light, the images range from saints and prophets to murals of Scripture.

The walkway is a royal purple carpet with gold trim, the Holy Symbol of Amarr is in the middle of the walkway and it is surrounded by rows of pews on each side with matching upholstery. The walkway ends at a smooth metal alter overlain with a matching cloth resembling the walkway.

My first intimate brush with the Amarr faith, courtesy Captain Azdan Amith. Not nearly as awful or intrusive as other folks would have me think, considering he's a man of the Faith and all that. I like this think it's because he's not an asshole, like some folks might expect. Quite the opposite, in fact.

Before I continue about my good friend Captain Amith, though, I'm going to take some time to remark on Amarr architecture:

It is grand. There is a transcendence beyond the utilitarian that is extremely refreshing to see after tooling about in space for weeks on end; hell, even Amarr stations take the time to decorate outside of the captain's quarters they offer. There's a certain... bigness to their buildings and interiors that I haven't seen anywhere else, yet they seem to value intimate settings. The lighting in their stations, for example, is warm and dim -- almost as if the station is lit by candlelight in certain areas. The lighting in the Chaplet of Joshua, while quite a bit brighter and more, mm... optimistic... still puts emphasis on emulating nature.

I asked Captain Amith what he normally did in the chaplet, and it's pretty run-of-the-mill as far as religion-y things go: giving sermons, listening to people's problems, etcetera. I can tell it distresses him, the way other folks view the Empire, and his religion in particular -- or, it might be that, since he is a religious leader, he feels that he is being attacked personally, as a man, rather than as a priest. Shit if I know. Fella's got it rough, is all I know.

I was surprised to find that Captain Amith seems to spend a great deal of his time controlling his anger. Lots of deep breathing, lots of clasping his hands behind his back, lots of jaw-clenching. He doesn't seem accustomed to smiling a whole lot on his own, which I find... odd, I guess. I did get him to crack a smirk every now and again with a few asinine questions, though, haha.

All in all: Captain Amith is a generous and patient host. I'll need to make the time to visit him again in the near future.

Log end.

Amarr Space Travel Log #1 - Tash-Murkon

Backdated: YC114.08.12

Location: Tash-Murkon/Task-Murkon Prime/Red Lions Inn
Host: Darius Mithra

First time planet-side in Amarr space. I was invited to dine at one of Darius Mithra's family businesses, which happens to be a cute little inn in a hot and dusty city on Tash-Murkon Prime. The Red Lion's Inn, according to my generous host, is typically used to accommodate his Caldari clientele. That said, this place was fancy as all get-out; very plush and comfortable. And it smells wonderful in there.

First thing I noticed: shoes off. Cushions instead of chairs at low tables. Captain Mithra evidently was obligated as my host to wash my feet before I entered the establishment fully (personal note: awkward custom is awkward). I asked if the establishment's employees typically took up the responsibility of washing the customer's feet: turns out it's typically considered rude if you get the people on the lower rungs to do that sort of thing. Fascinating, considering they utilize slave labor so efficiently in other ways... but I'm not here to talk about that.

Let's talk about the food. Holy shit the food.

Warm, subtle, and generous. My glass was never empty. I got looks whenever I laughed particularly boisterously, but I wasn't treated poorly. Darius even let me hang my hat for the night in one of the Inn's rooms -- beats the hell out of a station bed any day.

Not a bad start to the trip, all in all.

Log end.